Judiciary Remote Court Hearings & Documentation With Momindum

A crucial component of the judicial process is accurate records of documents and proceedings. Guarantee organized and fair legal proceeding with reliable audio-visual technology, transcripts, subtitles, and a resource library. Introduction Momindum a video recording solution, a digital judiciary transformation tool that helps increase the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration among lawyers and judges in remote court hearings. 

Vorteile Momindum offers the Judicial Industry

Momindum enhances access to crucial legal recordings and helps remote court hearings go as smoothly as possible. Confidently store, edit, and share records with all necessary parties without sacrificing security. 

transcript icon

Download transcripts: Edit and store transcripts to adhere to legal requirements and records  

replay icon

Remote Court Hearing Replays share privately oder publicly zu guarantee all parties have access to recordings for later review

index icon

Index documents to centralize all relevant resources related to the hearing (evidence, proofs, text/law articles used) 

subtitle icon

Automatic and accurate transcription with subtitles

Glühbirne vor dem Papier

WebTv to centralize remote court hearing replays and classify them by subject and topics 


Subtitle translation gewährleistet that all participants can understand the content related to their legal case regardless of language  

Momindum features for Judiciary Remote Court Hearings 

Momindum enhances access to crucial legal recordings and helps remote court hearings go as smoothly as possible. Confidently store, edit, and share records with all necessary parties without sacrificing security. 


  1. Remote Court Hearing Replays share privately or publicly to guarantee all parties have access to recordings for later review. 
  2. Court replays can be monetized 
  3. Automatic and accurate transcription with subtitles 
  4. Download transcripts: Edit and store transcripts to adhere to legal requirements and records 
  5. Subtitle translation ensures that all participants can understand the content related to their legal case regardless of language  
  6. Index documents to centralize all relevant resources related to the hearing (evidence, proofs, text/law articles used) 
  7. WebTv to centralize remote court hearing replays and classify them by subject and topics 


Erleben Sie die Vorteile der Momindum Enterprise Video Collaboration Suite für Ihr Unternehmen aus erster Hand.

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Wir haben Ihre Anfrage erhalten und unser Experte wird sich in Kürze mit Ihnen in Verbindung setzen.

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