Vidyo Supports WebRTC Video Conferencing

abril 14, 2016
  por Equipo del blog

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The videoconferencing industry and the road toward WebRTC share some common ground. When using WebRTC beyond two-way, peer-to-peer calls, or in networks with significant quality problems, system architects are encountering the same design issues that the videoconferencing industry has been dealing with for a long time. It is not accidental then that WebRTC solutions designed for multi-point video gravitate towards those offered in videoconferencing, or that videoconferencing companies are adapting their systems to become WebRTC solutions.

In fact, today Vidyo announced availability of WebRTC-enabled products that enable a plug-in free way to join Vidyo meetings from web browsers. Though we’re not betting our business on WebRTC, we see it as yet another choice Vidyo can offer customers and we think it can be valuable to the market place.

Want to know more about WebRTC and why you should care? Vidyo’s resident WebRTC expert (and Co-Founder and Chief Scientist) Alex Eleftheridias addresses scalability (VP8 and VP9), architecture, endpoint quality and platform provider selection in his latest blog post for

Here’s an excerpt: “One may ask, “why care about VP9, I will just use whatever stock codec my browser has and be done with it.”  The answer is that you do want to care, when quality matters.  Depending on the codec used, and the type of multi-point server architecture deployed, the end user will get a vastly different quality of experience.”


Figure 4: Endpoint Quality Scale: One ordering of relative quality of different codec and endpoint engine combinations.

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