La importancia de la tecnología de videoconferencia empresarial

octubre 13, 2022
  por Equipo del blog
Team hosting a business video conference with a client
Thanks to advancements in business video conference technology, we have countless abilities at our fingertips, including the ease of sharing information, the flexibility of communication, the ability to speak to more people in a day, and so much more. In today’s day and age, the elimination of geographical barriers is a benefit and a hurdle. On one hand, we can connect with clients from across the country. However, there is also substantially more competition we need to compare our services with. This means that it’s imperative to be able to differentiate ourselves from the sea of competition, and one great way to do this is by utilizing virtual communication to its full potential.

"97.6% of employees reported that they’d like to continue working remotely for the rest of their careers.”

Today, business video conference technology is integral to corporate workflow. Video conferencing offers stability to businesses and substantially lowers risks, for example during the Covid-19 pandemic, video conferencing allowed businesses to continue operations remotely, and many have opted to continue working this way almost 3 years later. During this widespread use of video conferencing, we’ve discovered its ability to drastically increase productivity.

employees having meetings

Benefits of Business Video Conference Technology

Although benefits may vary from each individual, in regard to benefits to business practices, a report from GitLab (2021), employers rated the benefits of business video conferencing as:

increased productivity (42%) – The enhanced productivity seen in video conferencing and remote work comes from many areas. One, in particular, is the flexibility it provides employees. The ability to work in an environment that you are comfortable with, take breaks when it best suits you (rather than scheduled), and if something comes up – it’s easier to make up the work at a later time in the day without worrying about falling behind.

increased efficiency (38%) – Business video conference technology offers a less rigid method to communicate internally and externally. Thanks to features like chat, telephony, and video call, you can communicate with a colleague with the tool that best meets your needs at that moment. These features enable more effective content sharing and enhanced team communication.

Improved documentation and process (20%) – Recording and documenting meetings, conversations, and processes is much easier with video communication technology. Teams can record virtual meetings, allowing viewers to hear important conversations and see the content being shared. These features can be utilized in processes for training and HR purposes.

A Transparent Look: The Cons of Business Video Conference

With new business practices and evolutions in technology come new hurdles. Although business video conferencing has solved many problems, it’s expected to have some challenges, especially with a relatively new method of operation for many people.

Internet connection – Relying on the individual internet connections of attendees can open your business to unwanted risks for your company. A rocky signal can interrupt meetings, depending on where they live quality internet servers may be limited.

Security and privacy – regulations may be unclear, so choosing a platform that prioritizes user privacy is important. Some examples of good practices are not reusing meeting IDs, not storing content or HIPAA compliance.

Not the same as face-to-face – Even the best audio-visual technology can’t fully replace the connection felt with face-to-face interactions. Now that many people work fully remote roles, they lose a majority of the socializing they normally get during their work week.

Initial costs – although companies save substantial costs by foregoing a physical office, utilities, travel, etc., many are still hesitant to invest in the initial cost of adequate video conferencing software. This fear is primarily due to uncertainty regarding its worth and how much it will benefit them in the long run. Not every organization is familiar with business video conference solutions, so, understandably, it’s difficult to realize the impact of specific conferencing features.

Video Conferencing’s Influence on Business Communication

Video conferencing technology is more sophisticated than it was 20 or even 10 years ago. This technology provides countless tools to businesses for conducting more professional and seamless presentations internally or to clients than what would be possible in a physical setting.

As a business person, you have the ability to create your desired experience for your client with enriched video content and ensure your message is clear and concise. If your potential client wants to see something off the script of your presentation, you can easily pull it up within moments and guarantee they’ve left the meeting with a full scope of your offerings.

Business video conference technology provides multiple methods of communication besides just video. Most technologies offer chat, telephony, and conferencing options. These options of communication can enhance your relationship-building capabilities, thanks to the flexibility of messaging colleagues and clients. And there is also the impact video conferencing has on your revenue earning capabilities. With virtual conferences, you can meet with more potential clients in a day than you would be conducting physical meetings. Without the burden of travel and the delays that come with it, you can schedule back-to-back meetings and connect with substantially more people.

"70% of respondents indicated that videoconferencing enables individual employees to be more productive.”

Choose the Right Video Conference Technology for Your Enterprise

What has become apparent with the growing use of video conferencing in business, is the substantial reliance we have on its functionality. Our communication with colleagues, business deals, and other day-to-day tasks rely on its performance. This is why it’s crucial to choose a virtual conferencing tool that is there during the times that matter most – which is always! Get in touch with a Experto en Vidyo today, to learn how our tool can meet your unique needs.


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