Liberate la potenza dell'onboarding e della formazione video dei clienti con la soluzione ricca di funzioni di Qumu

Experience the power of these features and unlock the full potential of your external education and customer onboarding initiatives with Qumu.

Educational marketing videos are a powerful tool for any industry. They establish a company as a trusted authority, build credibility, and foster a deeper connection with customers. Whether it's explaining the value of products or services, guiding customers through processes, or offering tips and insights, these videos contribute to better customer understanding, increased brand loyalty, and higher conversion rates in today's competitive market. Embrace the power of educational videos to elevate your brand and engage your audience. Read on for a complete list of features Qumu provides for your external education and customer onboarding initiatives.
  • Sicurezza/Conformità
  • Semplicità
  • Micrositi Qumu
  • Includere video, PowerPoint e documenti
  • Supporto di più lingue
  • Mininmal IT support
  • Apprendimento autonomo
  • Fully Branded
  • e altro

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