UST Global and Vidyo Partner to Develop Customized Video Conferencing Solutions for Global 1000 Companies

3月 27, 2012

VidyoConferencing Chosen by UST Global for Corporation-Wide Communications Use

Hackensack, NJ – March 27, 2012 - ヴィディオ社., the first company to deliver personal telepresence, today announced a partnership with UST Global®, a leading provider of IT services and solutions for Fortune 500 and Global 1000 enterprises. UST Global plans to adopt Vidyo’s personal telepresence platform as a company-wide vehicle for day-to-day internal business communications, and also use the Vidyo platform with its rich APIs to create customized retail, financial and healthcare solutions, in conjunction with its software development business. UST Global has over 8,000 employees located in the US, India, UK, Malaysia, Philippines, and Singapore.

“We are pleased to welcome UST Global as an important new member of the Vidyo partner community and as a customer who will be using Vidyo’s solution to meet their own global communications requirements to drive productivity across multiple continents,” said Ashish Gupta, Vidyo’s CMO and Senior VP of Corporate Development. “It is a testament to the strength of Vidyo’s platform that UST Global, whose focus is on delivering innovative solutions to Global 1000 companies, has selected our platform to build Vidyo Enabled Business Processes (VEBP) for UST Global customers.”

“We are excited to be the first global systems integrator to join the new Vidyo Developer Program and we believe that Vidyo’s technology compliments our strategy to build collaboration directly into custom applications – especially mobile applications,” said Tony Velleca CIO, UST Global. “Vidyo’s APIs are ideal for systems integrators; no other video communications platform offers the kind of flexible architecture, level of interoperability, and technology that can affordably scale and grow with our business needs.”

Vidyo’s platform enables partners to expand their reach into new markets with applications that are made possible only by using Vidyo’s rich APIs. Unlike video codec vendors, Vidyo provides the architecture needed to deliver high-quality video conferencing, not just an SVC codec.  Building on this platform, Vidyo’s System Integrator partners such as UST Global can deliver innovative applications that enhance their customer’s business processes with HD quality video communications. Integration strategies can be customized to needs and budget with Vidyo API packages, engineering support services, and multiple levels of integration options.

About UST Global®

UST Global provides IT solutions that propel businesses forward, helping CIOs build the future for their organizations. Merging industry-specific expertise with transformative thinking, UST Global delivers market-defining solutions to Global 1000 companies with speed and agility. The company is distinguished by its community of collaborative innovation, relentless commitment beyond contract, measurable accountability to current and future business outcomes, and an entrepreneurial spirit that fuels transformation. As a trusted partner to clients worldwide, UST Global uses an optimal blend of locally based senior resources and highly accomplished and cost-effective offshore teams. Headquartered in Aliso Viejo, California, UST Global fosters client-specific cutting-edge innovation from its state-of-the-art centers in the United States, the United Kingdom, India, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore. For more information visit:


Vidyoのコミュニケーションおよびコラボレーションプラットフォームは、ソフトウェアベースで柔軟性が高く、個々の企業や垂直市場のビデオ会議のニーズに合わせて簡単にカスタマイズすることができます。特許取得済みのVidyoRouter™ アーキテクチャは以下を実現します。 アダプティブ・ビデオ・レイヤリングこれは、H.264 Scalable Video Coding (SVC)ベースの圧縮技術とVidyoのIPを活用し、各エンドポイント向けにビデオを動的に最適化します。アダプティブ・ビデオ・レイヤリングはMCUを排除し、前例のないエラー回復力、低遅延率マッチングを提供するため、インターネット、LTE、4Gネットワーク上で自然で手頃な価格の高品質ビデオを動作させることができます。このプラットフォームにより、ユーザーは最新のハードウェア技術革新や新しい消費者向けデバイスを迅速に活用することができ、パートナーにとって他にはない魅力的なものとなります。Vidyoは2005年以来、様々な標準化団体においてH.264 SVCおよびSIPビデオ会議の相互運用性を積極的に推進してきました。


Vidyo, Inc.は、タブレットやスマートフォン、PCやMac、ルームシステム、H.323やSIPエンドポイントと相互運用するゲートウェイ、テレプレゼンスソリューション、手頃な価格のクラウドベースのブロードキャストソリューションで自然なHDマルチポイントビデオ会議を可能にするパーソナルテレプレゼンスのパイオニアです。 詳しくは ヴィディオ・ドット・コムにある。 ブログ または ビディオ ツイッターで


VIDYOロゴはVidyo, Inc.の登録商標であり、VIDYOおよびVIDYO製品ファミリーの商標はVidyo, Inc.の商標です。

Vidyoの連絡先:  ケリー緒方 /+1 (301) 717-4224








Enghouseは、Sonic Foundry, Inc. (OTC: SOFO)からのMediasite SaaSビデオ録画・ストリーミング事業の買収を成功裏に完了した。この買収は、既に発表されている2024年1月4日付けの契約に基づき完了しました。Mediasiteが加わることで、Enghouseの日本市場における足跡とSaaS型ビデオ・ソフトウェア・ソリューション群が拡大します。また、Enghouseの教育およびイベント・エンタープライズ分野への進出も拡大する。


