In our Video Banking Report 2018, respondents who have already deployed a video banking system were asked to identify some of the top challenges they had to overcome during the implementation process. The top response was “Finding the right technology” (55%).

It’s too bad they didn’t have access to a new educational web series called “What to Look for in a Live Video Platform.” This 10-part, easy-to-understand buyers guide explains the steps necessary to identify and implement an effective video platform and how the available options are very different from one another.

“When you pick a platform, you need to understand what you’re getting,” said Tsahi Levent-Levi, an independent analyst and the series creator. “Most companies shouldn’t build their own infrastructure. It’s too risky, expensive, and time consuming. I wanted to be able to touch on that while explaining what features and characteristics are needed.”

The videos — which average three minutes each — cover such critical areas as integrating video technology with other services and how to use WebRTC without compromising quality. Though these topics sound technical, Levent-Levi presents them in a way that even non-techies can understand, which isn’t easy to do since video technology itself can be very complicated.

“There are a lot of challenges and even an art in getting video technology done right. This is especially due to the technology’s real-time nature, which makes everything you do with it revolve around compromises and optimizations,” Levent-Levi said. “There are many who wish to use a ready-made video platform and not build their own, but they are stuck with deciding which one to use. Others still don’t really understand the challenges involved in building their own video infrastructure, so it made sense to focus on that.”

Who is Tsahi Levent-Levi?

Known by many for his popular website,, Tsahi is a 25-year industry veteran who has closely followed WebRTC technology and, for the past five years, has been a WebRTC consultant. He is cofounder and CEO of testRTC, a company offering testing and monitoring services for WebRTC applications. Tsahi has licensed software development kits (SDKs) to developers on which they would build communication products. He worked 20 years ago at Radvision, which was a pioneer in video communications, and he’s been a developer himself as well as a product manager and chief technology officer.

But he said he’s had an urge to teach.

“I have my own WebRTC course on my website and it gets great feedback, but it isn’t suitable for everyone,” he said. “Doing video technology as a mini-course and in a video format just made sense. I’ve been experimenting with creating my own course and wanted to do something around micro-content instead of the long-form videos.”

So whether you’re considering implementing a video communications solution in your organization or you’ve already implemented one and are simply not satisfied with it, "What to Look For in a Live Video Platform" will serve as a valuable resource in helping you identify a satisfactory system.
