Verint en Vidyo werken samen om videogesprekken te integreren in omnichannel klantenbetrokkenheidscentra

aug 26, 2015

Verint® Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: VRNT) and Vidyo, Inc., a leading provider of affordable cloud-based visual communication technology, today announced their collaboration to bring video to today’s customer engagement centers. The combined offerings allow businesses to bring greater insight into customer interactions by integrating video calls using the VidyoWorksplatform with Verint’s engagement management and voice recording solutions—both part of the company’s broader customer engagement optimization portfolio.

Together with the VidyoWorks platform, Verint Engagement Management helps enable video interactions between customers and service employees. The Verint solution is designed to deliver consistent, complete and contextual service capabilities for true omnichannel customer engagement. The VidyoWorks platform is a software-based video collaboration solution that provides consistent HD quality video communication across consumer devices over the Internet and 3G/4G/LTE mobile networks. Verint’s engagement management solution combines the benefits of knowledge-based interaction support and enhanced customer engagement with video interactions.

The VidyoWorks solution also can be easily integrated into an organization’s infrastructure, applications and workflows. Verint’s voice recording software provides full-time and compliance recording to help contact centers increase operational effectiveness, reduce liability and comply with industry guidelines. The combination of voice recording and video can help further enhance enterprise performance and the overall customer experience.

“The emergence of video capabilities in the contact center translates into new and exciting ways to engage customers,” says Nancy Treaster, senior vice president and general manager, strategic operations, Verint Enterprise Intelligence Solutions. “We are delighted to collaborate with Vidyo to offer our mutual customers secure, reliable solutions designed to enhance service delivery, create new up- and cross-sell opportunities, and increase agent and operational productivity.”

“Vidyo is excited about the opportunity to provide Verint customers with the technology necessary to make visual enablement a part of their customer engagement strategy,” says Eran Westman, CEO, Vidyo. “Integration of Vidyo with Verint’s market-leading technology helps minimize barriers to adoption of video-enabled customer engagement centers by making deployment easier, faster and more affordable.”

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