Highlighted in Gartner Market Guide for CPaaS

maart 2, 2017
  door Blog Team
Gartner Features Vidyo

Gartner Features VidyoAcross all kinds of industries and all types of professions, mobile, scalable, high-quality video collaboration is helping everyone do more with less, in a world with a population surpassing 7.5 billion people. From personal banking to enterprise collaboration, field services and more, mobile-enabled embedded video is becoming ubiquitous and ingrained in everything we do.

Today, we are happy to report Vidyo’s inclusion as a specialized CPaaS provider in Gartner’s 2017 Market Guide for Communications Platform-as-a-Service. Read the guide here.

According to Gartner, CPaaS “can enable innovative business solutions for communicating with customers and employees, and connecting operational systems and devices.” Gartner goes on to say that “CPaaS can significantly reduce costs for many enterprises.” In an increasingly mobile world for customers, and a more dispersed environment for employees,  it is critical for the enterprise to select a CPaaS that consistently ensures reliability, resiliency and overall dependability – especially across low bandwidth and variable Internet connections.

For those reasons, enterprise-level organizations in tightly-regulated industries, with strong security demands, turn to Vidyo when quality matters. Moving forward, we are excited to see all of the amazing applications for video that developers across many diverse fields can now build or customize using our communications platform-as-a-service. Although Vidyo has specialized in personal video since  2005, 2016 was a tipping point for video collaboration, and we feel in many ways that our mission to video-enable the world is just getting started.

A pioneer in video communications, Vidyo was the first software-based architecture to use the SVC/H.264 video compression standard, and patented Adaptive Video Layering, to ensure the highest quality video possible over mobile and wireless networks – even with up to 20% packet loss. is now opening up the floodgates for any and all application developers who want to leverage our strong DNA to video-enable any concept or idea that they have.

Cloud-hosted, multiparty video conferencing has leaped out of our computer screens and into our pockets. According to Gartner, “cPaaS represents a new technology and business model for communicating person to person and device to device.” This not only refers to face-to-face connections, but as the we embrace the era of the Internet of Things, from machine-to-machine. From smart glasses to drones, our CPaaS will ensure that the IoT is not only an intelligent infrastructure, but a highly visual and personable one at that.

Take for example Vidyo’s integration with IBM Watson Workspace and Withings: combining IoT-driven connected heart monitors, blood pressure readers and scales, with strong, scalable embedded video collaboration, is remotely recreating the in-person healthcare experience – through telemedicine visits that fit neatly into the latest and greatest physician workflows.

Over the last couple of years, and still today, much of the conversation out there has been about the need for a higher degree of inclusion, transparency and sustainability in how the world connects. From healthcare to government, education and beyond, this idea transcends all industries and jobs. Now, thanks to the self-service CPaaS, any developer on any budget can quickly and easily video-enable any application (on virtually any device) with the highest-quality, most reliable multi-party video technology available on the market today – helping the world to better visually connect, at scale and across boundaries and borders.

Our team is feeling invigorated as we kick off 2017. Read the full report from Gartner here, and learn more about how cloud-hosted video can transform your organization.

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