L'Université médicale de Caroline du Sud choisit Vidyo intégré à Epic pour permettre des visites de télésanté de haute qualité dans les portails de dossiers médicaux électroniques.

Juin 1, 2016

Maximizing efficiencies and extending reach is essential to the adoption and growth of telehealth programs. Université médicale de Caroline du Sud (MUSC) has simplified access to high quality remote consultations between clinicians and patients by deploying Épique’s telehealth and virtual care workflows tightly integrated with Vidyo’s real-time video communication platform. Virtual visits are the latest addition to MUSC’s robust telehealth portfolio that includes telestroke, tele-ICU, school based telehealth, medical home co-management, maternal fetal telemedicine, telemental health and other applications. MUSC leverages Epic’s integration of Vidyo into Epic HyperspaceTM and MyChartTM web and mobile applications to provide physicians and patients with a reliable, high quality and user-friendly way to connect face-to-face using mobile or desktop devices.

South Carolina’s large rural population and growing physician deficits have driven demand for improved access to care via telehealth practices. MUSC has leveraged technology from Vidyo for high quality video collaboration to meet the needs of underserved populations across the state for several years. The addition of Vidyo to the Epic portal now allows physicians and patients to conduct Vidyo-enabled e-visits within the familiar Epic applications, eliminating the need to learn new technologies and reducing complexities associated with the delivery and management of remote care.

“Ensuring our providers can efficiently deliver the highest quality care to our patients across the MUSC telemedicine ecosystem is of the utmost importance to our team,” said Dr. James T. McElligott, Medical Director for Telehealth at MUSC. “Vidyo allows for our providers to access care from a wide variety of locations and the level of integration with our Epic system on mobile and desktop applications is necessary to make workflows seamless across the continuum of care.”

“Telehealth and virtual care are quickly becoming best practices for value based healthcare providers,” said Carl Dvorak, Epic President. “We have integrated real-time video directly into the EpicCare workflows of providers like MUSC and are proud of their accomplishments in transforming care delivery in their communities.”

"We see time and again that workflow integration and ease of use are crucial factors to physician adoption of telehealth technologies. Vidyo’s comprehensive API enabled Epic to reduce complexities through native integration of high quality video communication into all applications supporting the EpicCare virtual care and telehealth workflows,” said Eran Westman, CEO, Vidyo. “We are confident that this integration will improve patient engagement and expand upon the incredible care that the telehealth program at MUSC, and numerous other programs, are delivering.”

Relied upon by more than 120 IDNs with a combined total of more than 1,800 hospitals in the United States, Vidyo’s easy-to-use, massively scalable, multi-party capable, software-based platform delivers HIPAA compliant, HD quality video conferencing over Internet connections and is compatible with all major devices, enabling patients and provider interactions at home or on the go, using public Internet, cellular or wired networks.


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